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【参考译文】Title Start: 【广西玉林死精试管婴儿选男女】如何实现健康生育?||Title End

Paragraph 1: Introduction to IVFIVF (In vitro fertilization) is an assisted reproductive technology that helps couples who are unable to conceive naturally to realize their dream of having a child through the process of external fertilization and embryo transfer. Guangxi Yulin, as an important city in southern China, has also gradually attracted the attention and demand of many couples for IVF technology. However, recent reports on the selection of the gender of IVF babies using deceased sperm in Yulin, Guangxi, have sparked widespread social attention and discussion.


Paragraph 2: Definition and impact of deceased sperm IVFDeceased sperm IVF refers to the use of dead sperm for fertilization and embryo culture in the IVF process. This practice not only violates ethical principles but also carries significant risks and harm. The use of deceased sperm can result in poor embryo development, an increased risk of birth defects, and even other health problems, causing great distress and suffering to the child and the family.

Paragraph 3: Gender selection in IVFGender selection is possible in IVF technology, but current laws and regulations in China stipulate that doctors can only perform gender selection based on the risk of genetic diseases in special circumstances. Therefore, IVF patients in Yulin, Guangxi, or any other location should comply with relevant regulations, respect scientific and ethical principles when it comes to gender selection.

Paragraph 4: The importance of healthy reproductionWhether it is IVF or natural conception, healthy reproduction is the common expectation of every couple. When choosing IVF technology, couples should select reputable and professional medical institutions to ensure that doctors have the necessary expertise and experience. At the same time, couples undergoing IVF should also maintain good lifestyle habits, have a healthy diet, and maintain a positive mindset to improve success rates and embryo quality.

Paragraph 5: Professional consultation services for IVF in Yulin, GuangxiIVF patients in Yulin, Guangxi, can make appointments for consultation services through the 890 Health Network. Here, you can obtain professional reproductive consultation for IVF, learn about the latest policies, regulations, and medical technologies. Additionally, you can access a wealth of successful IVF cases and receive guidance from expert teams, providing strong support for your journey towards healthy reproduction.

The development of IVF technology has brought hope and opportunities to couples who are unable to conceive naturally. When choosing IVF, we should adhere to ethical principles, comply with laws and regulations, and prioritize healthy reproduction to bring happiness and joy to ourselves and our families.



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